Ecaterina Gate (Poarta Ecaterina) - one of the oldest gates in town but undeniably the most beautiful is still preserved in its original state. In the course of history it used to be known under several names: Fels (Upper) gate, Corpus Christi and Saint Catherine, which is used today. The gate is located near Schei gate and for centuries it used to be the only gate that permitted access on the northern part of the fortress. The four corner towers surrounding the tower of the rectangular construction marked the judicial right of the town. A drawbridge ensured the pass over the moat, and wooden corridors on several floors were built for the defenders. The town coat of arms can be seen above the entrance together with a text which mentions the year 1540. This is not the year of the construction. The gate was built in 1559, more precisely it took the place of an older gate: the Holy Ghost registered in 1522, which was actually built in 1827. Katalin gate survived the 1689 and 1759 fires, however the 1738 earthquake left its print on the walls. After the Lópiac-, and Schei gates were opened (1820 and 1828 respectively) Katalin gate was walled up and used for storage till 1955. It was restored in between 1971-1973 receiving its present form. A part of the old wall can still be seen today next to the gate.